└─ Science and Engineering Disciplines Books ->
  ├─ __Spectroscopy and Imaging ->
    ├─ __Near-Infrared Spectroscopy ->
      ├─ 2008 - Practical Guide to Interpretive Near Infrared Spectroscopy - J. Workman Jr., L. Weyer.pdf - 24.4 MB
      └─ 2007 - Handbook of Near-Infrared Analysis (3rd ed.) - eds. D.A. Burns, E.W. Ciurczak.pdf - 11.25 MB
    ├─ __Magnetic Resonance Imaging ->
      ├─ 2008 - Spin Dynamics, Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2nd ed. - Malcom H. Levitt.djvu - 8.43 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Advanced Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging - eds. L. Landini, V. Positano, M.F. Santarelli.pdf - 20.72 MB
      ├─ 2003 - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ~ An Introduction to Principles, Applications, and Experimental Methods - J.B. Lambert, E.P. Mazzola.pdf - 17.91 MB
      └─ 1999 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physical Principles and Sequence Design - E.Mark Haacke, R.W. Brown, M.R. Thompson, R. Venkatesan.djvu - 22.21 MB
    ├─ _README_.txt - 5.32 KB
    ├─ 2011 - Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy, Imaging and Analysis - S.J. Pennycook, P.D. Nellist.pdf - 30.52 MB
    ├─ 2010 - Introduction to Optical Microscopy - Jerome Mertz.url - 195 B
    ├─ 2009 - Solid-State Spectroscopy, An Introduction 2nd ed. - Hans Kuzmany.pdf - 6.85 MB
    ├─ 2008 - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy - M.E. Orazem, B. Tribollet.pdf - 23.89 MB
    ├─ 2003 - Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis 3rd ed. - J.I. Goldstein, D.E. Newbury, P. Echlin, D.C. Joy, C.E. Lyman, E. Lifshin, L. Sawyer, J.R. Michael.pdf - 166.14 MB
    └─ 2003 - Introductory Raman Spectroscopy 2nd ed. - J.R. Ferraro, K. Nakamoto, C.W. Brown.pdf - 8.48 MB
    └─ …………………………
  ├─ __Space Science and Technology ->
    ├─ __Planetary Science and Exploration ->
      ├─ __Mars ->
        ├─ 2011 - Reaching High Altitudes on Mars With an Inflatable Hypersonic Drag Balloon - Hannes Stephan Griebel.pdf - 120.44 MB
        ├─ 2011 - Geographies of Mars - K. Maria D. Lane.pdf - 2.32 MB
        ├─ 2009 - Mars, Prospective Energy and Material Resources - ed. Viorel Badescu.pdf - 19.65 MB
        ├─ 2008 - Mars ~ An Introduction to its Interior, Surface, and Atmosphere - Nadine G. Barlow.pdf - 6.39 MB
        ├─ 2005 - Water on Mars and Life - ed. Tetsuya Tokano.pdf - 10.95 MB
        ├─ 2004 - Mars (DK Eyewitness Books) - Stuart Murray.pdf - 23.12 MB
        ├─ 2003 - Assessment of Mars Science and Mission Priorities - NRC.pdf - 20.36 MB
        ├─ 2001 - Mars Odyssey Data - Google.url - 116 B
        └─ 1997 - Human Exploration of Mars, The Reference Mission of the NASA Mars Exploration Study Team - eds. S.J. Hoffman, D.I. Kaplan.pdf - 2.98 MB
      ├─ __Lunar ->
        ├─ 2008 - Exploring the Moon, The Apollo Expeditions 2nd ed. - David M. Harland.pdf - 48.61 MB
        ├─ 1993 - To a Rocky Moon, A Geologist's History of Lunar Exploration - Don E. Wilhelms.pdf - 117.99 MB
        ├─ 1991 - Lunar Sourcebook, A User's Guide to the Moon - eds. G.H. Heiken, D.T. Vaniman, B.M. French.pdf - 57.62 MB
        ├─ 1989 - Moon Trip - Bert King.pdf - 18.24 MB
        ├─ 1985 - Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century - ed. W.W. Mendell.pdf - 40.92 MB
        ├─ 1984 - Origin of the Moon - eds. W.K. Hartmann, R.J. Phillips, G.J. Taylor.url - 123 B
        ├─ 1976 - Lunar Stratigraphy and Sedimentology - John F. Lindsay.pdf - 39.92 MB
        └─ 1970 - Guide to Lunar Orbiter Photographs - Thomas P. Hansen.pdf - 37.26 MB
      ├─ 2012 - Exoplanets ~ Finding, Exploring, and Understanding Alien Worlds - Chris Kitchin.pdf - 5.52 MB
      ├─ 2011 - Drifting on Alien Wind, Exploring the Skies and Weather of Other Worlds - Michael Carroll.pdf - 28.3 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Planetary Atmospheric Electricity - eds. F. Leblanc, K.L. Aplin, Y. Yair, R.G. Harrison, J.P. Lebreton, M. Blanc.pdf - 21.63 MB
      ├─ 2007 - Introduction to Planetary Science, The Geological Perspective - G. Faure, T.M. Mensing.pdf - 16.93 MB
      ├─ 2007 - Distant Worlds, Milestones in Planetary Exploration - Peter Bonds.pdf - 39.25 MB
      ├─ 2006 - Jupiter and Saturn - Linda T. Elkins-Tanton.pdf - 12.45 MB
      └─ 2002 - Planetary Science, The Science of Planets Around Stars - G.H.A. Cole, M.M. Woolfson.pdf - 8.08 MB
      └─ …………………………
    ├─ __Meteors and Impact Structures ->
      ├─ 2007 - Guidebook to the Geology of Barringer Meteorite Crater - David A. Kring.pdf - 30.6 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Modern Meteor Science, An Interdisciplinary View - eds. R. Hawkes, I. Mann, P. Brown.pdf - 8.62 MB
      ├─ 1998 - Traces of Catastrophe, A Handbook of Shock-Metamorphic Effects in Terrestrial Meteorite Impact Structures - Bevan M. French.pdf - 19.7 MB
      └─ 1983 - Chondrules and their Origins - Elbert A. King.url - 123 B
    ├─ __General and History ->
      ├─ _Essential Reading in the History of Human Spaceflight.url - 238 B
      ├─ 2008 - Tourists in Space - Erik Seedhouse.pdf - 8.44 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Incredible Space Missions - G. Jeffrey, M. Lacey.pdf - 8.88 MB
      ├─ 2008 - A History of Physical Theories of Comets, From Aristotle to Whipple - Tofigh Heidarzadeh.pdf - 5.35 MB
      ├─ 2007 - Manned Spaceflight Log 1961-2006 - T. Furniss, D.J. Shayler, M.D. Shayler.pdf.pdf - 20.36 MB
      ├─ 2006 - Space Invaders, How Robotic Spacecraft Explore the Solar System - Michel van Pelt.pdf - 15.12 MB
      ├─ 2002 - Don't Know Much About the Universe, Everything You Need to Know About Outer Space but Never Learned - Kenneth C. Davis.pdf - 2 MB
      ├─ 2000 - The Dream of Spaceflight, Essays on the Near Edge of Infinity - Wyn Wachhorst.pdf - 12.22 MB
      └─ 2000 - A Thin Cosmic Rain, Particles From Outer Space - Michael W. Friedlander.pdf - 7.48 MB
      └─ …………………………
    ├─ __Deep Space Network ->
      ├─ 2008 - Noise Temperature Theory and Applications for Deep Space Communications Antenna Systems - Tom Y. Otoshi.pdf - 5.98 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Low-Noise Systems in the Deep Space Network - ed. Macgregor S. Reid.pdf - 12.14 MB
      ├─ 2006 - Spaceborne Antennas for Planetary Exploration - ed. William A. Imbriale.pdf - 26.73 MB
      ├─ 2006 - Deep Space Optical Communications - ed. Hamid Hemmati.pdf - 36.95 MB
      ├─ 2003 - Large Antennas of the Deep Space Network - William A. Imbriale.djvu - 3.27 MB
      ├─ 2003 - Antenna Arraying Techniques in the Deep Space Network - D.H. Rogstad, A. Mileant, T.T. Pham.pdf - 1.56 MB
      └─ 2000 - Formulation for Observed and Computed Values of Deep Space Network Data Types for Navigation - Theodore D. Moyer.pdf - 2.99 MB
    ├─ __Celestial and Orbital, Tracking and Mechanics ->
      ├─ 2009 - Theory of Orbit Determination - A. Milani, G.F. Gronchi.pdf - 3.78 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Read You Loud and Clear, The Story of NASA's Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network - Sunny Tsiao.pdf - 18.02 MB
      ├─ 2007 - Celestial Mechanics, The Waltz of the Planets - A. Celletti, E. Perozzi.pdf - 15.62 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Satellites, Orbits and Mission - M. Capderou, trans. S. Lyle.pdf - 55.27 MB
      ├─ 2002 - Modern Celestial Mechanics, Aspects of Solar System Dynamics - Alessandro Morbidelli.pdf - 13.51 MB
      ├─ 2000 - Radiometric Tracking Techniques for Deep-Space Navigation - C.L. Thornton, J.S. Border.pdf - 2.43 MB
      └─ 1993 - A Tapestry of Orbits - Desmond King-Hele.pdf - 13.24 MB
    ├─ Robotic Exploration of the Solar System ->
      ├─ V 2, 2009, Hiatus and Renewal 1983-1996 - P. Ulivi, D.M. Harland.pdf - 16.97 MB
      └─ V 1, 2007, The Golden Age 1957-1982 - P. Ulivi, D.M. Harland.pdf - 16.59 MB
    ├─ 2012 - Interplanetary Outpost, The Human and Technological Challenges of Exploring the Outer Planets - Erik Seedhouse.pdf - 150.62 MB
    ├─ 2011 - The Transient Radio Sky - Evan F. Keane.pdf - 2.93 MB
    └─ 2011 - The Science of Astrobiology 2nd ed. - Julian Chela-Flores.pdf - 85.74 MB
    └─ …………………………
  ├─ __Robotics ->
    ├─ __Programming Suites ->
      ├─ 2010 - The Art of LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming - Terry Griffin.pdf - 14.49 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Robot Programmer's Bonanza - J. Blankenship, S. Mishal.pdf - 3.5 MB
      └─ 2008 - Professional Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio - K. Johns, T. Taylor.pdf - 11.68 MB
    ├─ __General and History ->
      ├─ 2011 - Human-Robot Personal Relationships - eds. M.H. Lamers, F.J. Verbeek.pdf - 2.43 MB
      ├─ 2009 - Killer Robots, Legality and Ethicality of Autonomous Weapons - Armin Krishnan.pdf - 2.87 MB
      ├─ 2008 - The Robot, The Life Story of a Technology - Lisa Nocks.url - 149 B
      ├─ 2008 - BigDog, the Rough-Terrain Quaduped Robot - M. Raibert, K. Blankespoor, G. Nelson, R. Playter.pdf - 397.76 KB
      └─ 2004 - Robot (DK Eyewitness Books) - Roger Bridgman.pdf - 19.56 MB
    ├─ _README_.txt - 9.97 KB
    ├─ 2011 - Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 for Teens - Jerry Lee Ford Jr.pdf - 7.68 MB
    ├─ 2010 - Winning Design, LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Design Patterns for Fun and Competition - James J. Trobaugh.pdf - 24.09 MB
    ├─ 2010 - Theory of Applied Robotics ~ Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control 2nd ed. - Reza N. Jazar.pdf - 7.66 MB
    ├─ 2010 - Robotics, Science and Systems V - eds. J. Trinkle. Y. Matsuoka, J.A. Castellanos.pdf - 15.85 MB
    ├─ 2010 - Robotics for Electronics Manufacturing, Principles and Applications in Cleanroom Automation - Karl Mathia.pdf - 2.97 MB
    └─ 2010 - Intermediate Robot Building 2nd ed. - David Cook.pdf - 42.48 MB
    └─ …………………………
  ├─ __Remote Sensing ->
    ├─ __Satellite ->
      ├─ 2011 - Multispectral Satellite Image Understanding, From Land Classification to Building and Road Detection - C. Unsalan, K.L. Boyer.pdf - 7.38 MB
      ├─ 2009 - Satellite Aerosol Remote Sensing Over Land - eds. A.A. Kokhanovsky, G. de Leeuw.pdf - 7.62 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Small Satellites for Earth Observation - eds. R. Sandau, H.-P. Roser, A. Valenzula.pdf - 18.35 MB
      ├─ 2006 - Earth Science Satellite Remote Sensing, V 1 - eds. J. Qu, W. Gao, M. Kafatos, R. Murphy, V. Salomonson.pdf - 13.38 MB
      └─ 1994 - Civilian Satellite Remote Sensing, A Strategic Approach - US Office of Technology Assessment.pdf - 4.55 MB
    ├─ __RADAR ->
      ├─ 2010 - Radar Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing (V 15) - ed. Uwe Soergel.pdf - 7.7 MB
      ├─ 2009 - Polarimetric Radar Imaging, From Basics to Applications - J.-S. Lee, E. Pottier.pdf - 17.28 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Radar Handbook 3rd ed. - Merrill Skolnik.pdf - 15.58 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Knowledge Based Radar Detection, Tracking and Classification - Fulvio Gini, Muralidhar Rangaswamy.pdf - 5.19 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Radar Imaging and Holography - A. Pasmurov, S. Zinovjev.pdf - 1.43 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Introduction to Radar Target Recognition - Peter Tait.pdf - 2.3 MB
      ├─ 2004 - MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design - Bassem R. Mahafza, Atef Z. Elsherbeni.pdf - 33.52 MB
      ├─ 2003 - Microwave Devices and Radar, Naval Postgraduate School - David Jenn.pdf - 3.85 MB
      └─ 2003 - Fourier Transforms in Radar and Signal Processing - David Brandwood.pdf - 2.8 MB
      └─ …………………………
    ├─ __LIDAR ->
      ├─ 2010 - Applied Aspects of Optical Communication and LIDAR - N. Blaunstein, S. Arnon, A. Zilberman, N. Kopeika.pdf - 3.2 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Panoramic Imaging, Sensor-Line Cameras and Laser Range-Finders - F. Huang, R. Klette, K. Scheibe.pdf - 11.09 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Lidar, Range Resolved Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere - ed. C. Weitkamp.pdf - 9.32 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Laser Remote Sensing - ed. T. Fujii, T. Fukuchi.pdf - 19.08 MB
      └─ 1992 - Laser Remote Sensing, Fundamentals and Applications - Raymond Measures.djvu - 10.92 MB
    ├─ __Image Processing and Fusion ->
      ├─ 2012 - Remote Sensing Image Processing - G. Camps-Valls, D. Tuia, L. Gomez-Chova, S. Jimenez, J. Malo.pdf - 10.29 MB
      ├─ 2011 - Image Fusion and its Applications - ed. Yufeng Zheng.pdf - 39.93 MB
      ├─ 2011 - Image Fusion - ed. Osamu Ukimura.pdf - 54.7 MB
      ├─ 2011 - Computer Processing of Remotely Sensed Images, An Introduction (4th ed.) - P.M. Mather, M. Koch.pdf - 19.01 MB
      ├─ 2010 - Image Fusion ~ Theories, Techniques and Applications - H.B. Mitchell.pdf - 1.86 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Image Fusion, Algorithms and Applications - ed. Tania Stathaki.pdf - 10.53 MB
      ├─ 2007 - Remote Sensing, Models and Methods for Image Processing (3rd ed.) - Robert Schowengerdt.pdf - 31.31 MB
      ├─ 2006 - Remote Sensing of Landscapes with Spectral Images, A Physical Modeling Approach - J.B. Adams, A.R. Gillespie.pdf - 31.36 MB
      └─ 2006 - Multi-Sensor Image Fusion and Its Applications - eds. R.S. Blum, Z. Liu.pdf - 10.4 MB
      └─ …………………………
    ├─ __General and History ->
      ├─ 2008 - History of Russian Underwater Acoustics - O.A. Godin, D.R. Palmer.pdf - 48.13 MB
      └─ 2004 - The Cassini-Huygens Mission, Orbiter Remote Sensing Investigations - ed. C.T. Russell.pdf - 9.89 MB
    ├─ __Data Fusion ->
      ├─ 2010 - Multi-Sensor Data Fusion with MATLAB - R.R. Jitendra.pdf - 8.56 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion, Theory and Practice 2nd ed. - eds. M.E. Liggins, D.L. Hall, J. Llinas.pdf - 20.63 MB
      ├─ 2007 - Multi-Sensor Data Fusion, An Introduction - H.B. Mitchell.pdf - 5.1 MB
      ├─ 2004 - Mathematical Techniques in Multisensor Data Fusion 2nd ed. - D.L. Hall, S.A.H. McMullen.pdf - 52.94 MB
      └─ 2001 - Multisensor Data Fusion (2 vols.) - eds. D.L. Hall, J. Llinas.pdf - 8.52 MB
    ├─ 2011 - Near-Space Remote Sensing, Potential and Challenges - Wen-Qin Wang.pdf - 1.47 MB
    └─ 2010 - The Art of Radiometry - J.M. Palmer, B.G. Grant.pdf - 9.58 MB
    └─ …………………………
  ├─ __Physics and Cosmology ->
    ├─ __Unification Theory ->
      ├─ _Also see the, Theories of Everything, folder.txt - 0 B
      ├─ 2010 - Unification and Supersymmetry, The Frontiers of Quark-Lepton Physics 3rd ed. - R.N. Mohapatra.pdf - 1.88 MB
      ├─ 2006 - Isodual Theory of Antimatter, with applications to Antigravity, Grand Unification and Cosmology - Ruggero Maria Santilli.pdf - 2.13 MB
      └─ 2005 - The Universe of Fluctuations, The Architecture of Spacetime and the Universe - B.G. Sidharth.pdf - 2.94 MB
    ├─ __Thermal Physics ->
      ├─ 2011 - Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach 7th ed., Solutions - Y.A. Cengel, M.A. Boles.pdf - 19.37 MB
      ├─ 2011 - Introduction to Heat Transfer 6th ed. - T.L. Bergman, A.S. Lavine, F.P. Incropera, D.P. DeWitt.pdf - 38.85 MB
      ├─ 2010 - The Laws of Thermodynamics, A Very Short Introduction - Peter Atkins.pdf - 850.97 KB
      ├─ 2008 - A Farewell To Entropy, Statistical Thermodynamics Based on Information - Arieh Ben-Naim.pdf - 3.8 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach 5th ed. - Y.A. Cengel, M.A. Boles.pdf - 21.61 MB
      ├─ 2003 - Kinetic Theory ~ Classical, Quantum, and Relativistic Descriptions 3rd ed. - Richard L. Liboff.pdf - 3.09 MB
      ├─ 2000 - An Introduction to Thermal Physics - Daniel V. Schroeder.djvu - 5.49 MB
      ├─ 1998 - Entropy and Its Physical Meaning - J.S. Dugdale.pdf - 16.82 MB
      └─ 1985 - Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics 2nd ed. - Herbert B. Callen.djvu - 5.88 MB
      └─ …………………………
    ├─ __String Theory ->
      ├─ 2009 - A First Course in String Theory - Barton Zweibach.pdf - 4.54 MB
      ├─ 2007 - String Theory in a Nutshell - Elias Kiritsis.djvu - 7.15 MB
      ├─ 2007 - String Theory and M-Theory, A Modern Introduction - K. Becker, M. Becker, J.H. Schwarz.pdf - 4.22 MB
      ├─ 2005 - V 2, String Theory, Superstring Theory and Beyond - Joseph Polchinski.pdf - 2.76 MB
      ├─ 2005 - V 1, String Theory, An Introduction to the Bosonic String - Joseph Polchinski.pdf - 2.56 MB
      └─ 2003 - The Mathematical Theory Of Cosmic Strings - Malcom R. Anderson.pdf - 2.32 MB
    ├─ __Statistical Mechanics ->
      ├─ 2010 - Introduction to Statistical Field Theory - Edouard Brezin.pdf - 1.28 MB
      ├─ 2001 - Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics - Robert Zwanzig.djvu - 1.05 MB
      ├─ 1996 - Statistical Mechanics 2nd ed. - R.K. Pathria.pdf - 22.19 MB
      ├─ 1987 - Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, Solution Manual - D. Wu, D. Chandler.pdf - 10.25 MB
      ├─ 1987 - Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics - David Chandler.djvu - 2.06 MB
      ├─ 1985 - Statistical Mechanics - Shang-Keng Ma, trans. M.K. Fung.djvu - 3.95 MB
      └─ 1965 - Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics - Frederick Reif.djvu - 7.49 MB
    ├─ __States of Matter ->
      ├─ __Solid State Physics ->
        ├─ 2009 - The Chemical Physics of Ice - N.H. Fletcher.pdf - 7.67 MB
        ├─ 2007 - Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3rd ed. - S.M. Sze, K.K. Ng.pdf - 36.62 MB
        ├─ 2003 - Advanced Solid State Physics - Philip Phillips.djvu - 4.89 MB
        └─ 1996 - Introduction to Solid State Physics 7th ed. - Charles Kittel.djvu - 13.06 MB
      ├─ __Plasma Physics ->
        ├─ 2010 - Relaxation Dynamics in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas - eds. P.H. Diamond, X. Garbet, P. Ghendrith, Y. Sarazin.pdf - 8.4 MB
        ├─ 2001 - The Fourth State Of Matter, An Introduction To Plasma Science - S. Eliezer, Y. Eliezer.pdf - 1.81 MB
        └─ 1984 - Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, V 1 Plasma Physics, 2nd ed. - Francis F. Chen.pdf - 10.71 MB
      ├─ __Gas Dynamics ->
        ├─ 1994 - Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas - G.A. Bird.djvu - 4.32 MB
        ├─ 1967 - An Introduction to the Kinetic Theory of Gases - James Jeans.pdf - 10.34 MB
        └─ 1964 - Lectures on Gas Theory - Ludwig Boltzmann.url - 186 B
      ├─ __Fluid Mechanics ->
        ├─ Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows ->
          ├─ V 2, 1990, Computational Methods for Inviscid and Viscous Flows - Charles Hirsch.pdf - 20.27 MB
          └─ V 1, 2007, The Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics 2nd ed. - Charles Hirsch.pdf - 14.82 MB
        ├─ Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics ->
          ├─ V 3, 1992, A Solutions Manual - K. Srinivas, C.A.J. Fletcher.pdf - 11.58 MB
          ├─ V 2, 1988, Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories - C.A.J. Fletcher.djvu - 7.57 MB
          └─ V 1, 1991, Fundamentals and General Techniques 2nd ed. - C.A.J. Fletcher.djvu - 7.5 MB
        ├─ 2009 - Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 6th ed. - B.R. Munson, D.F. Young, T.H. Okiishi, W.W. Huebsch.pdf - 17.33 MB
        ├─ 2008 - Fluid Mechanics 4th ed. - P.K. Kundu, I.M. Cohen.pdf - 9.52 MB
        ├─ 2006 - Turbulence Modeling for CFD 3rd ed. - David C. Wilcox.pdf - 124.74 MB
        ├─ 2005 - Incompressible Flow 3rd ed. - Ronald L. Panton.url - 185 B
        ├─ 2003 - Vorticity and Incompressible Flow - A.J. Majda, A.L. Bertozzi.pdf - 2.6 MB
        ├─ 1995 - Computational Fluid Dynamics, The Basics With Applications - John Anderson Jr.pdf - 15.45 MB
        └─ 1989 - Modern Compressible Flow, with Historical Perspective 2nd ed. - John D. Anderson.djvu - 6.85 MB
        └─ …………………………
      ├─ 2008 - Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases 2nd ed. - C.J. Pethick, H. Smith.pdf - 4.15 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics (5 vols.) - eds. F. Bassani, G.L. Liedl, P. Wyder.pdf - 68.14 MB
      ├─ 2002 - The Physics of Phase Transitions, Concepts and Applications 2nd ed. - P. Papon, J. Leblond, P.H.E. Meijer, trans. S.L. Schnur.pdf - 3.88 MB
      ├─ 2001 - The Properties of Gases and Liquids 5th ed. - B.E. Poling, J.M. Prausnitz, J.P. O'Connell.pdf - 4.28 MB
      └─ 1995 - Principles of Condensed Matter Physics - P.M. Chaikin, T.C. Lubensky.djvu - 4.93 MB
      └─ …………………………
    ├─ __Relativity ->
      ├─ 2009 - A First Course in General Relativity 2nd ed. - Bernard Schutz.pdf - 2.42 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Relativity, A Very Short Introduction - Russell Stannard.pdf - 1.37 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Relativity, The Special and the General Theory - A. Einstein, trans. R.W. Lawson.pdf - 1019.8 KB
      ├─ 2005 - Relativity and the Nature of Spacetime - Vesselin Petkov.pdf - 1.9 MB
      ├─ 2004 - Spacetime and Geometry, An Introduction to General Relativity - Sean M. Carroll.djvu - 4.63 MB
      ├─ 2003 - Gravity, An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity - James B. Hartle.djvu - 11.86 MB
      ├─ 1998 - Einstein's Miraculous Year, Five Papers That Changed the Face of Physics - ed. John Stachel.djvu - 1.1 MB
      ├─ 1984 - General Relativity - Robert M. Wald.djvu - 4.41 MB
      └─ 1982 - Introduction to Tensor Calculus, Relativity, and Cosmology 3rd ed. - Derek F. Lawden.pdf - 9.99 MB
      └─ …………………………
    ├─ __Particle Physics ->
      ├─ 2004 - Introduction to Elementary Particles - David Griffiths.pdf - 7.46 MB
      ├─ 2002 - Quarks, Leptons, and the Big Bang 2nd ed. - Jonathan Allday.pdf - 3.6 MB
      ├─ 2000 - Symmetries in Intermediate and High Energy Physics - eds. A. Faessler, T.S. Kosmas, G.K. Leontaris.djvu - 2.4 MB
      ├─ 2000 - Many-Particle Physics 3rd ed. - Gerald D. Mahan.djvu - 13.28 MB
      └─ 1993 - Modern Elementary Particle Physics, Updated Edition - Gordon Kane.djvu - 2.62 MB
    └─ …………………………
  ├─ __Nanotechnology and Nanoscience ->
    ├─ __General and Philosophy ->
      ├─ 2011 - Innovation and Nanotechnology, Converging Technologies and the End of Intellectual Property - David Koepsell.pdf - 1.45 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Nanotechnology For Dummies - R.D. Booker, E. Boysen.pdf - 5.59 MB
      ├─ 2005 - Nanocosm, Nanotechnology and the Big Changes Coming from the Inconceivably Small - William Illsey Atkinson.pdf - 1001.16 KB
      ├─ 2004 - Hacking Matter ~ Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite Weirdness of Programmable Atoms - Wil McCarthy.pdf - 2.26 MB
      └─ 2002 - Nanotechnology, A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea - M. Ratner, D. Ratner.pdf - 1.25 MB
    ├─ Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ->
      ├─ V 10, 2004, S to Z - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf - 33.75 MB
      ├─ V 09, 2004, P to S - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf - 38.55 MB
      ├─ V 08, 2004, N to P - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf - 48.09 MB
      ├─ V 07, 2004, N to N - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf - 42.15 MB
      ├─ V 06, 2004, N to N - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf - 34.42 MB
      ├─ V 05, 2004, M to M - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf - 51.43 MB
      ├─ V 04, 2004, H to M - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf - 38.15 MB
      ├─ V 03, 2004, E to H - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf - 45.37 MB
      └─ V 02, 2004, C to E - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf - 31.47 MB
      └─ …………………………
    ├─ 2010 - Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors - eds. J.P. Reithmaier, P. Paunovic, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, P. Petkov.pdf - 10.84 MB
    ├─ 2010 - Nanostructured Superconductors - V.V. Moshchalkov, J. Fritzsche.pdf - 15.55 MB
    ├─ 2010 - Nanoscale Devices ~ Fabrication, Functionalization, and Accessibility from the Macroscopic World - Gianfranco Cerofolini.pdf - 9.37 MB
    ├─ 2010 - Introduction to Nanoscience - Stuart M. Lindsay.pdf - 6.31 MB
    ├─ 2009 - Quantum Transport, Introduction to Nanoscience - Y.V. Nazarov, Y.M. Blanter.pdf - 7.31 MB
    ├─ 2009 - Nanomaterials, Mechanics and Mechanisms - K.T. Ramesh.pdf - 5.18 MB
    └─ 2009 - Nano and Micromachining - eds. J.P. Davim, M.J. Jackson.pdf - 5.59 MB
    └─ …………………………
  └─ __Linguistics and Communication ->
    ├─ __Sociolinguistics ->
      ├─ 2006 - Language, Culture, and Society ~ Key Topics in Linguistic Anthropology - eds. C. Jourdan, K. Tuite.pdf - 2.5 MB
      ├─ 2006 - An Introduction to Sociolinguistics 5th ed. - Ronald Wardhaugh.pdf - 4.11 MB
      └─ 1995 - An Introduction to Language and Society 2nd ed. - Martin Montgomery.pdf - 1.61 MB
    ├─ __Natural Language, Speech, Synthesis and Processing ->
      ├─ 2011 - Spoken Language Understanding ~ Systems for Extracting Semantic Information from Speech - G. Tur, R. De Mori .pdf - 9.64 MB
      ├─ 2008 - Speech and Language Processing 2nd ed. - D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin.pdf - 25.95 MB
      ├─ 2007 - Introduction to Digital Speech Processing - L.R. Rabiner, R.W. Schafer.pdf - 2.38 MB
      ├─ 2001 - Digital Speech Processing, Synthesis and Recognition 2nd ed. - Sadaoki Furui.pdf - 22.43 MB
      ├─ 2000 - Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing - C.D. Manning, H. Schutze.pdf - 6.34 MB
      ├─ 1987 - Natural Language Understanding 1st ed. - James Allen.djvu - 4.2 MB
      └─ 1978 - Digital Processing of Speech Signals - L.R. Rabiner, R.W. Schafer.djvu - 6.29 MB
    ├─ __Grammar and Semantics ->
      ├─ 2008 - Modal Logic, An Introduction to its Syntax and Semantics - N.B. Cocchiarella, M.A. Freund.djvu - 2.17 MB
      ├─ 2007 - Semantic Relationism - Kit Fine.pdf - 637.52 KB
      ├─ 2004 - Semantic Cognition, A Parallel Distributed Processing Approach - T.T. Rogers, J.L. McClelland.pdf - 1.83 MB
      ├─ 2004 - An Introduction to Functional Grammar 3rd ed. - M.A.K. Halliday, C.M.I.M. Matthiessen.pdf - 2.98 MB
      ├─ 2002 - Formal Semantics, The Essential Readings - eds. P. Portner, B.H. Partee.djvu - 9.05 MB
      ├─ 1990 - Meaning and Grammar, An Introduction to Semantics - G. Chierchia, S. McConnell-Ginet.pdf - 2.95 MB
      └─ 1981 - Introduction to Montague Semantics - D.R. Dowth, R.E. Wall, S. Peters.djvu - 3.39 MB
    ├─ __General and History ->
      ├─ Cambridge History of the English Language ->
        ├─ V 6, 2001, English in North America - ed. John Algeo.pdf - 2.76 MB
        ├─ V 5, 1994, English in Britain and Overseas, Origins and Development - ed. Robert Burchfield.pdf - 9.42 MB
        ├─ V 4, 1998, 1776-1997 - ed. Suzanne Romaine.pdf - 12.9 MB
        ├─ V 3, 1999, 1476-1776 - ed. Roger Lass.pdf - 4.15 MB
        ├─ V 2, 1992, 1066-1476 - ed. Norman Blake.pdf - 11.39 MB
        └─ V 1, 1992, The Beginnings to 1066 - ed. Richard M. Hogg.pdf - 10.86 MB
      ├─ 2013 - Netymology, A Linguistic Celebration of the Digital World - Tom Chatfield.url - 153 B
      ├─ 2010 - The Last Speakers, The Quest to Save the World's Most Endangered Languages - K. David Harrison.epub - 2.35 MB
      ├─ 2010 - The Language Construction Kit - Mark Rosenfelder.mobi - 780.49 KB
      ├─ 2010 - Romance Languages, A Historical Introduction - T. Alkire, C. Rosen.pdf - 2.01 MB
      ├─ 2009 - Writing and Script, A Very Short Introduction - Andrew Robinson.pdf - 2.61 MB
      ├─ 2009 - Wordcrime, Solving Crime Through Forensic Linguistics - John Olsson.url - 172 B
      ├─ 2009 - In the Land of Invented Languages - Arika Okrent.epub - 1.75 MB
      └─ 2006 - The Unfolding of Language, An Evolutionary Tour of Mankind's Greatest Invention - Guy Deutscher.pdf - 4.16 MB
      └─ …………………………
    ├─ __Animal Communication ->
      ├─ 2008 - Nim Chimpsky, The Chimp Who Would Be Human - Elizabeth Hess.mobi - 2.62 MB
      ├─ 2006 - Kanzi's Primal Language, The Cultural Initiation of Primates into Language - P. Segerdahl, W. Fields, S. Savage-Rumbaugh.pdf - 1.04 MB
      ├─ 2003 - Animal Bodies, Human Minds ~ Ape, Dolphin, and Parrot Language Skills - W.A. Hillix, D.M. Rumbaugh.pdf - 92.05 MB
      ├─ 1999 - The Alex Studies, Cognitive and Communicative Abilities of Grey Parrots - Irene M. Pepperberg.pdf - 1.44 MB
      └─ 1978 - Communication Between Man and Dolphin, The Possibilities of Talking with Other Species - John Lilly.pdf - 6.73 MB
    ├─ _README_.txt - 2.87 KB
    ├─ 2011 - The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics - ed. James Simpson.pdf - 6.72 MB
    ├─ 2009 - Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language - eds. S. Chapman, C. Routledge.pdf - 1.55 MB
    └─ 2008 - The Boundaries of Babel, The Brain and the Enigma of Impossible Languages - A. Moro, trans. I. Caponigro, D.B. Kane.pdf - 5.64 MB
    └─ …………………………
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