└─ 2020KET&PET官方真题样卷 ->
  ├─ 2020PET样卷 ->
    ├─ 【阅读样卷答案】B1 Preliminary Schools 2020 sample tests Reading - answers.pdf - 25KB
    ├─ 【阅读样卷】B1 Preliminary Schools 2020 sample tests Reading - QP.pdf - 1.2M
    ├─ 【写作样卷】B1 Preliminary Schools 2020 sample tests Writing - QP.PDF - 196KB
    ├─ 【听力样卷音频】Preliminary for Schools PB Sample Test.mp3 - 25.7M
    ├─ 【听力样卷文本】B1 Preliminary Schools 2020 sample tests Listening - script.pdf - 296KB
    ├─ 【听力样卷答案】B1 Preliminary Schools 2020 sample tests Listening - AK.pdf - 18KB
    ├─ 【听力样卷】B1 Preliminary Schools 2020 sample tests Listening - QP.pdf - 516KB
    └─ 【口语样卷】B1 Preliminary Schools 2020 sample tests Speaking.pdf - 979KB
  └─ 2020KET样卷 ->
    ├─ 【听力样卷音频】a2-key-for-schools-listening-sample-test.mp3 - 21.5M
    ├─ 【听力样卷文本】A2 Key for Schools 2020 sample tests Listening - tape script.pdf - 298KB
    ├─ 【听力样卷答案】A2 Key for Schools 2020 sample tests Listening - answer key.pdf - 183KB
    ├─ 【听力样卷】A2 Key for Schools 2020 sample tests Listening - question paper.pdf - 712KB
    ├─ 【口语样卷】A2 Key for Schools 2020 sample tests Speaking.pdf - 328KB
    ├─ 【读写样卷答案】A2 Key for Schools 2020 sample Reading and Writing - answer key.pdf - 18KB
    └─ 【读写样卷】A2 Key for Schools 2020 sample Reading and Writing - questions.pdf - 1.1M
