└─ 乐锄新概念二册【视频+讲义】 ->
  ├─ 讲义 ->
    ├─ Lesson59 In or out【课堂讲义】.pdf - 257.8 KB
    ├─ Lesson58 A blessing in disguise【课堂讲义】.pdf - 309.53 KB
    ├─ Lesson57 Can i help you madam.pdf - 298.58 KB
    ├─ Lesson56 Faster than sound(课文).pdf - 344.8 KB
    ├─ Lesson54 Sticky fingers(课堂讲义).pdf - 412.15 KB
    ├─ Lesson 9 A cold welcome 冷遇.pdf - 304.43 KB
    ├─ Lesson 8 The best and the worst 最好的和最差的.pdf - 293.79 KB
    ├─ Lesson 7 Too late 为时太晚.pdf - 333.2 KB
    └─ Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西·巴顿斯.pdf - 252.93 KB
    └─ …………………………
  ├─ 课程讲义使用方法.mp4 - 5.14 MB
  ├─ Lesson59 In or out【课文】.mp4 - 155.88 MB
  ├─ Lesson59 In or out【词汇】.mp4 - 104.95 MB
  ├─ Lesson58 A blessing in disguise【课文】.mp4 - 126.88 MB
  ├─ Lesson58 A blessing in disguise【单词下】.mp4 - 114.62 MB
  ├─ Lesson58 A blessing in disguise【单词上】.mp4 - 130.62 MB
  ├─ Lesson57 Can i help you madam【课文】.mp4 - 155.87 MB
  └─ Lesson57 Can i help you madam【单词】.mp4 - 132.21 MB
  └─ …………………………
