└─ 10月29日 CVC专题素材包 ->
  ├─ 04 CVC 作业纸 ->
    ├─ 002 CVC组合练习册 ->
      ├─ 35页 CVC Bundle Reading Comprehension_PDF密码解除.pdf - 19.7M
      ├─ 35页 CVC Bundle Reading Comprehension.pdf - 19.7M
      ├─ 27页 CVC Fluency Word Searches and Sentences_PDF密码解除.pdf - 1.7M
      ├─ 27页 CVC Fluency Word Searches and Sentences.pdf - 1.8M
      ├─ 27页 CVC Fluency Find and Record_PDF密码解除.pdf - 6.6M
      ├─ 27页 CVC Fluency Find and Record.pdf - 6.6M
      ├─ 27页 CVC Bundle Week #5_PDF密码解除.pdf - 5.3M
      ├─ 27页 CVC Bundle Week #5.pdf - 5.4M
      ├─ 27页 CVC Bundle Packet #2_PDF密码解除.pdf - 3.5M
      ├─ 27页 CVC Bundle Packet #2.pdf - 3.5M
      ├─ 26页 CVC Scoops ABC Order_PDF密码解除.pdf - 11.2M
      ├─ 26页 CVC Scoops ABC Order.pdf - 11.2M
      ├─ 26页 CVC Bundle Simple Sentences _PDF密码解除.pdf - 6.4M
      ├─ 26页 CVC Bundle Simple Sentences .pdf - 6.4M
      ├─ 25页CVCFluencySounditOut-2_PDF密码解除.pdf - 6.8M
      ├─ 25页CVCFluencySounditOut-2.pdf - 6.8M
      ├─ 25页CVC Bundle Packet #3_PDF密码解除.pdf - 6.1M
      ├─ 25页CVC Bundle Packet #3.pdf - 6.1M
      ├─ 25页 CVCFluencyRollandColor-2_PDF密码解除.pdf - 32.2M
      ├─ 25页 CVCFluencyRollandColor-2.pdf - 32.2M
      ├─ 25页 CVC Fluency Roll and Read_PDF密码解除.pdf - 2M
      ├─ 25页 CVC Fluency Roll and Read.pdf - 2M
      ├─ 24页 CVC Read and Make Simple Sentences_PDF密码解除.pdf - 6.4M
      └─ 24页 CVC Read and Make Simple Sentences.pdf - 6.4M
    ├─ 001 单词作业纸 build a word ->
      ├─ build a word (cvc words)_PDF密码解除7323.pdf - 5.3M
      ├─ build a word (cvc words)_PDF密码解除.pdf - 5.3M
      └─ build a word (cvc words).pdf - 5.3M
    ├─ 003 自然拼读cvc韵律文23_PDF密码解除.pdf - 6.4M
    └─ 003 自然拼读cvc韵律文23.pdf - 6.4M
  ├─ 03 CVC 游戏 ->
    ├─ 08 CVC单词系列 ->
      ├─ short-u ->
        ├─ 1【胖脚丫亲子】 ->
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-ut-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 346KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-unk-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 363KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-un-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 380KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-ump-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 402KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-um-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 322KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-ug-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 368KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-uck-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 371KB
          └─ Read-n-Stick-ub-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 385KB
        ├─ SlCrdsShortu_PDF密码解除.pdf - 1.7M
        ├─ ShrtuWrRm_PDF密码解除.pdf - 18.1M
        ├─ ShrtuWrk【胖脚丫亲子】_PDF密码解除.pdf - 2.2M
        ├─ RllRdShu_PDF密码解除.pdf - 1.3M
        └─ 4rwShrtu_PDF密码解除.pdf - 2.5M
      ├─ short-o ->
        ├─ 1 ->
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-ot-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 369KB
          ├─ Read-n-stick-op-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 394KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-og-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 339KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-ock-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 354KB
          └─ Read-n-Stick-ob-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 393KB
        ├─ WrRmShrto_PDF密码解除.pdf - 14.5M
        ├─ SlCardsShorto_PDF密码解除.pdf - 1.1M
        ├─ ShrtoWk-1_PDF密码解除.pdf - 16.4M
        ├─ RllRdSho【胖脚丫亲子】_PDF密码解除.pdf - 524KB
        └─ 4rowshofinal_PDF密码解除.pdf - 1.7M
      ├─ short-i ->
        ├─ 1 ->
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-it-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 364KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-ip-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom1_PDF密码解除.pdf - 402KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-in-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 381KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-ig-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 330KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-id-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 402KB
          └─ Read-n-Stick-ick-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 376KB
        ├─ WrRmShrti_PDF密码解除.pdf - 12.1M
        ├─ ShrtiWkPk_PDF密码解除.pdf - 20.1M
        ├─ ShortiSlCrds_PDF密码解除.pdf - 1.3M
        ├─ RllRdShrti_PDF密码解除.pdf - 534KB
        └─ 4rowshrtiwrds_PDF密码解除.pdf - 2.2M
      ├─ short-a ->
        ├─ 7 ->
          └─ Shrtamtchgm_PDF密码解除.pdf - 19.6M
        ├─ 6 ->
          └─ ShortaWkPk-1_PDF密码解除.pdf - 18.5M
        ├─ 5 ->
          └─ RllRdShrta_PDF密码解除.pdf - 902KB
        ├─ 4 ->
          └─ 4rowshawrds【胖脚丫亲子】_PDF密码解除.pdf - 1.5M
        ├─ 3 ->
          └─ WrRmSha_PDF密码解除.pdf - 25M
        ├─ 2 ->
          └─ RdnStckShrta_PDF密码解除.pdf - 4.4M
        └─ 1 ->
          └─ SlCrdsShorta_PDF密码解除.pdf - 1.9M
      └─ short e ->
        ├─ 7 ->
          └─ Read-n-Stick-ill-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom_PDF密码解除.pdf - 339KB
        ├─ 6 ->
          └─ Word-Family-Crazy-8s-Short-e1_PDF密码解除.pdf - 308KB
        ├─ 5 ->
          └─ ShrtEWkSec_PDF密码解除.pdf - 10.7M
        ├─ 4 ->
          ├─ WrRmShe_PDF密码解除.pdf - 14.8M
          └─ write-the-room-short-e-5-590x443.jpg - 50KB
        ├─ 3 ->
          ├─ SlCardsShorte_PDF密码解除.pdf - 1021KB
          ├─ short-e-word-slider-cards-590x764.png - 501KB
          ├─ short-e-slider-card-1-590x443.jpg - 34KB
          ├─ short-e-slide-card-4-590x443.jpg - 37KB
          ├─ short-e-slide-card-3-590x443.png - 290KB
          └─ short-e-slide-card-2-590x443.png - 285KB
        ├─ 2 ->
          ├─ RRdShrteWrds_PDF密码解除.pdf - 974KB
          └─ RRdShrteWrds.doc - 1.1M
        └─ 1 ->
          ├─ read-n-stick-mats-1-the-measured-mom.jpg - 88KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-et-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom.pdf - 834KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-est-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom.pdf - 896KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-ent-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom.pdf - 787KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-en-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom.pdf - 796KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-ell-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom.pdf - 810KB
          ├─ Read-n-Stick-ed-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom.pdf - 850KB
          └─ Read-n-Stick-eck-family-mat-and-cards-the-measured-mom.pdf - 829KB
    ├─ 07 自然拼读学习法 CVC cut and paste_PDF密码解除.pdf - 2.2M
    ├─ 06 自然拼读学习法 CVC sound box_PDF密码解除.pdf - 821KB
    ├─ 05 自然拼读学习法 CVC word cards_PDF密码解除.pdf - 482KB
    ├─ 04 自然拼读学习法 CVC board game_PDF密码解除.pdf - 1.7M
    ├─ 03 自然拼读学习法 CVC words_PDF密码解除.pdf - 939KB
    ├─ 02 自然拼读学习法-CVC words_PDF密码解除.pdf - 5.8M
    ├─ 01 CVC Words 桌游_PDF密码解除.pdf - 15.2M
    ├─ 00 CVC单词清单_PDF密码解除.pdf - 555KB
    └─ 00 CVC单词清单.pdf - 554KB
  ├─ 02 CVC 闪卡 ->
    └─ 001 CVC Word Family Flash Card(自然拼读闪卡) ->
      └─ CVCWordFamilyFlashCards.pdf - 4.6M
  └─ 01 CVC 儿歌 ->
    └─ CVCwords 儿歌 ->
      ├─ 【13】Word Blending for Kids - Phonics and Reading - CVC words.mp4 - 7M
      ├─ Practice Blending Sounds for Reading- CVC Words.mp4 - 3.8M
      ├─ Phonics Phase 2 Words- Blending for Reading.mp4 - 3.1M
      ├─ Phonics Phase 2 words (CVC-CVCC and tricky words)- Blending for Reading.mp4 - 4M
      ├─ Phonics Phase 2 (CVC words) Blending for Reading.mp4 - 5.6M
      ├─ Phonics CVC Words Reading with Phoneme Fingers.mp4 - 6.3M
      ├─ Phonics Ai Sound CVC Words Reading Machine.mp4 - 5.5M
      ├─ CVC Words with the OR Sound Phonics.mp4 - 5.4M
      ├─ CVC Words Reading Practice Real and Nonsense Words.mp4 - 21.6M
      └─ CVC Words Phonics Blending Song.mp4 - 8.3M
