导演:尼克·赫伦 索尔梅茨斯坦
主演:马特·史密斯 凯伦·吉兰 亚瑟·达维尔 珍娜·科尔曼 鲁珀特·格雷夫斯 马克·威廉姆斯 亚历山大·阿姆斯特朗
剧情:Series7ofDoctorWhoisexpectedtoaironBBCOnethroughout2012and2013.[1]TheBBCannouncedthenewsofthenewseries,whichwillcontainfourteenepisodes,ontheofficialDoctorWhositeon8June2011.[2]Series7willbeginitsrunintheAutumnof2012withfiveregularstand-aloneepisodesandaChristmasSpecial.Itwillthenbefollowedbytheremainingeightepisodesin2013.[3]  IthasbeenannouncedthattheEleventhDoctor,playedbyMattSmithwillreturnforthefullseries.[4]KarenGillan,whoplaysAmyPond,willreturnfortheseries,aswillArthurDarvillasAmy'shusbandRoryWilliams.[5][6]ThisserieswillseethedepartureofbothAmyandRoryafteranencounterwiththeWeepingAngelsinepisodefive.AnewcompanionportrayedbyJenna-LouiseColemanwillbeintroducedintheChristmasSpecial.

└─ 神秘博士S07 ->
  ├─ 注:S07E10标题为Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS.txt - 203.83 KB
  ├─ S07E13 - The Name of the Doctor.mkv - 3.28 GB
  ├─ S07E13 - The Name of the Doctor.ass - 145.04 KB
  ├─ S07E12 - Nightmare In Silver.mkv - 3.28 GB
  ├─ S07E12 - Nightmare In Silver.ass - 137.04 KB
  ├─ S07E11 - The Crimson Horror.mkv - 3.28 GB
  ├─ S07E11 - The Crimson Horror.ass - 104.83 KB
  ├─ S07E10 - Centre of the TARDIS.mkv - 3.28 GB
  ├─ S07E10 - Centre of the TARDIS.ass - 128.46 KB
  ├─ S07E09 - Hide.mkv - 3.28 GB
  ├─ S07E09 - Hide.ass - 107.32 KB
  ├─ S07E08 - Cold War.mkv - 3.28 GB
  ├─ S07E08 - Cold War.ass - 110.65 KB
  ├─ S07E07 - The Rings of Akhaten.mkv - 3.28 GB
  ├─ S07E07 - The Rings of Akhaten.ass - 97.23 KB
  ├─ S07E06 - The Bells of Saint John.mkv - 3.28 GB
  └─ S07E06 - The Bells of Saint John.ass - 117.67 KB
  └─ …………………………
